In this episode, Erik interviews Ryan Peverly of the excellent Occulture Podcast. Our discussion centers around not only how Occulture has evolved, but how Ryan and the podcast has changed together. This subject is particularly interesting because of the amount of knowledge and growth Ryan has assimilated in the short time he’s been podcasting. Tune in and join us!
This episode was recorded over Skype for Linux. There were some weird audio effects, like echo on the line, crackling, and audio drop outs all over the place. I learned my lesson: no more Skype for Linux when I’m recording a podcast! Back to Google Hangouts.
The Beverages
Since our last episode was all about beer, there’s no beer at all in this one! Ryan is drinking dark roast mushroom coffee from Four Sigmatic, while Erik is drinking lemon La Croix.
Show Notes and Links
We mention a few individual Occulture episodes in our conversation. I won’t link to each one of them individually, but Ryan mentions episode 31 with Laurel Airica as the episode where he felt his style really changed and solidified, so go check that one out for sure.
- John Crowley, novelist and Occulture’s first guest
- Austin Coppock, astrologer for Rune Soup
- Gordon White’s Rune Soup
- Glitch Bottle Podcast
- “Let’s Be Monks”, Erik’s appearance on Occulture
- The Higherside Chats
- Coast to Coast AM
- A Dark Song
- Oregon EdNET was how teachers and students could get on the Internet in Oregon in the early 1990s.
- Hot Topic
- The reclusive Alan Moore

The infamous Occulture Alan Moore meme
“Do you think they have Russian mail-order transhumanist vegan brides?”
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