Episode 14 – PuckerFest with Matt and Erik

My Alchemical Bromance
My Alchemical Bromance
Episode 14 - PuckerFest with Matt and Erik

In this episode, Matt and Erik go to Puckerfest at Belmont Station. Puckerfest is an annual celebration of wild and sour ales.

In this episode, we also reveal that the Esoteric Book Conference isn’t happening in 2017. Sad face!

The Beers

This is just a list of all the beers, not necessarily who’s in charge of tasting them.

  1. pFriem Brett IPA
  2. pFriem Gose
  3. pFriem Bosbessen
  4. pFriem Abrikoos
  5. pFriem Peche
  6. Double Mountain Ranier Kriek 2013
  7. pFriem Flanders Red Ale
  8. pFriem Oude Kriek
  9. Bell’s Mango Habanero Oberon
  10. De Ranke XX Bitter
  11. Santiam Pirate Stout
  12. Nectar Creek Mango Sour Mead

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“The description is right on. It says blueberry lambic blah blah blah blah blah.” — Matt Anthony

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