Back in May, Erik was a last-minute guest at the 2018 Convocation of the Apostolic Johannite Church, where he gave a lecture on the Art of Memory. Here’s a link to the AJC’s recording of that lecture on their podcast, The Lectern. In this talk, I cover the history of the Art of Memory and… Read more »
Welcome back, Scott Gosnell! Scott was our guest way back in episode 18, where we mainly focused on his translations of Giordano Bruno’s works. In this episode we touch on that material again, but we really get into a wide variety of topics revolving around free will, enlightenment, imagination, the default and executive networks, hallucinogens,… Read more »
In this episode, I chat with Dan Attrell about the Picatrix. Dan runs the Modern Hermeticist website and is @ModernHermetics on Twitter. He is a brilliant fellow with just the right mix of nerd cred to make him a fitting guest for this podcast. Recently, he was part of a team that finished a new… Read more »
EP 18 - Scott Gosnell on Giordano Bruno and Other Stuff
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YOU GUYS, I GOT TO INTERVIEW SCOTT GOSNELL! Okay, okay, I’m calming down. In this episode, Erik interviews Scott Gosnell, entrepreneur, scientist, writer, wizard, autodidact, and translator of the collected works of Giordano Bruno. We spend a lot of time diving into Bruno’s life and works, but we also talk about other stuff. It is… Read more »
Joey and Erik are joined by guest host Nate Neff as we interview Larry Roberts of Miskatonic Books and Azoth Press. We talk to Larry about alchemy, Freemasonry (this is not a Masonic podcast), and his publishing empire. This interview goes long but it is filled with fascinating details and lots of great information about… Read more »
This episode has an all-star cast! Matt, Erik, and Joey are joined by Nate Neff and Amy Anthony. We celebrate the Summer Solstice by drinking beers and talking about how things have changed since we started the podcast. Perhaps the most interesting conversation in this episode is when we share stories of growing up in… Read more »
In this new solo episode, Erik answers another listener question: what is the difference between ritual magic and ceremonial magic? He also talks about secret societies in fiction and gives helpful beginner tips for grimoire users. Location Lincoln City, Oregon! What a lovely place. Driftwood Public Library ‘D’ Sands Condominium Motel Beer and Breweries Rusty… Read more »