In this episode, Erik interviews the hosts of The Magician and the Fool Podcast, Janus and Dominic. They dive right into what it means to be a magician, but the conversation explores Renaissance magic, the Greek Magical Papyri, Norse mythology, and Pittsburgh. How do the Magician and the Fool relate to the Trickster? We explore cultural archetypes through Norse mythology, other mythology, crazy anecdotes, and weird experiences.
We also talk about the experience of running an occult podcast, and how the guests we bring on influence and change our lives in ways that we hadn’t anticipated. Talking to these guys was amazing. I strongly urge you to check out their podcast to check out all of the amazing interviews they do. Click here to see!
Links and Topics
- The Tale of Utgarda-Loki
- Marcus McCoy (Troll Cunning Forge)
- Johannes Trithemius
- The Magician and the Fool Podcast on Facebook
- The Hermetic Federation
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